Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sweet Potato Pi

For weeks P2 has been watching very carefully as anyone is eating. We have been having her sit at the table with us and giving her an empty bowl and spoon to play with while we eat. Today was a big day...she got to eat her first foods - rice cereal and sweet potatoes. She loved them both. She has been so excited and happy for the past hour, she can't believe she got to eat!!!

Here are a few pictures...first bite of cereal...not sure what to think...

Okay, I will have some more please!
I have seen the got milk commercials, think they could use me?
And then we moved to sweet potatoes...she liked them a lot!
Hmmm, this eating thing is interesting, I am feeling kind of full.
Okay, now it's better, I have the spoon, I can do it myself!


Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Piper, this is Anna. You are catching on fast, both cereal and sweet potatoes during the same meal! I personally liked carrots best, so you might want to ask your mommy about those. When I ate carrots, my poop came out bright orange. I guess what comes in must come out, but my parents are not relishing diaper changes lately.

Alasdair said...

I think relish would be kinda gross on the way out :)

What a skillful spoon user!

Bubbles and a Book


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