Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Happy Third Week - Birthday to Princess P!

Three weeks ago today - I was at this very moment asking for the EPIDURAL - all bravery was over...and I remember thinking that there should be a Martini called the Epidural...I need to invent it.

Here are a few shots of what Princess P has been up to in the last week.

Pictures not taken not here...the mall, which we did go to was not condusive to picture taking. The walks we have gone on with the dog have not been captured on film yet...the dog is talented but no imposable thumb (see my SIL's blog - link below - for more info on THAT, heck maybe we can get her to write about the Moro reflex too).

1 comment:

Field Notes said...

Okay! I will write about newborn reflexes... I haven't posted anything for a week (!) and I think that's a great topic!

Bubbles and a Book


Moo and Pi

Tea time for the girls!

Slide on down!

Booger Nose!

Strolling in the Park

P2's new kitchen

Go the right way!

Such a big girl now!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

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