Thursday, January 25, 2007

Blogging, Baby!

(please read aloud title with Austin Powers intonation)

No, no, P2 is not blogging. I am. I had my first class last night at UCLA, it's called Introduction to New Media Public Relations Generating Public Awareness with Blogs, Podcasts, RSS, and Websites.

Now you all, kind readers, will be my guinea pigs as I begin to apply the things I am learning to this blog!

So begins a new adventure...

Organizing everyone's schedule and P2's meds and food wasn't terribly difficult. Driving to UCLA at rush hour was no more difficult and no less frustrating than one would expect. Finding the correct parking structure - easy, finding the correct building in the pitch dark on campus - not so easy. Locating lecture hall within said building, no sweat. Returning to parking structure after class - very easy, locating car within the structure...took a whole 30 minutes...NOT SO EASY!

Listening to lectures for THREE hours, in the late evening with no baby to attend to...well, very interesting speakers and topics - lots of relevant information for Mama's career development but...also, dark, quiet room with no baby....challenging to stay fully awake.

Things have sure changed since I was in college. Now there is an online interface program for each class. Quizzes and homework are done via that application. Grade information is available at anytime by visiting the site. The required books can be purchased online through the student bookstore and shipped to the house prior to class beginning. The suggested reading materials can be ordered through Amazon or other online booksellers and the groovy interface thing sends you right to those sites when you click on the title.

I remember in the OLD days, going to the Student Union and buying xeroxed notes from classes which I had missed (revisionist history writes..."missed" not "skipped")- planning group projects for class used to mean exchanging phone numbers and trying to plan meeting times that jivved with everyone's schedules (academic and social) we have our own Yahoo! Group page and instant messaging and probably won't physically meet prior to the actual presentation day.

I also, remember going to the computer lab to write papers - now everyone not only has a laptop they are "strongly encouraged" to bring them to class. Honestly, I am not THAT old but boy have things changed. Its fun.

On the homefront, the new breastpump I bought (come on, you wanted to know this!)is fantastic and I was able to double my usual output so P2 was well stocked before I left...however, she didn't feel like eating so the great reserves went unused.

And...the dog was content to hang out with whomever was holding the baby.

Phew, thanks for staying with me on that long entry...I am going to go make a grocery list and wait for P2 to wake up...then its off to our favorite store!!

1 comment:

Alasdair said...

I thought you wrote Soviet Union! Yeah, that would be a while ago. :)

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